Live Portraits: Interactive Prints that play a Video!

Live Portraits: Interactive Prints that play a Video!

  It’s becoming clear that VIDEO is king when it comes to capturing the viewers’ attention and also communicating emotion. More and more, we are seeing video being used for advertising, social media, information, education, and marketing. The portrait industry is no different, and photographers who want to stay relevant in the market, need to…

Announcing the Bubble Trailer Light Tour!

Announcing the Bubble Trailer Light Tour!

Ok, so this big dream of mine is actually going to happen! I’ve been dreaming of it and thinking about it for over a year. Little by little, I’be been testing the waters with various friends and sponsors and no matter where I go or who I talk to, the response is total support and…

Italy! Civita Di Bagnoregio

Italy! Civita Di Bagnoregio

  Civita Di Bagnoregio (pronounced ‘bon-yo-rej-eo)   After the harried process of renting a car in Rome, we headed north to see the sights of Italy with full hearts and wide eyes. We had heard of this cool city on a hill that was on the way to our first night’s stay in Orvieto, so…

Creative Light in the Morning!

Creative Light in the Morning!

It’s 6:50 am and I’m here inside Bubble Trailer in the Santa Cruz Redwoods, listening to the huge raindrops from the trees dripping, dripping…my feet snuggled in my purple kids’-sized sleeping bag (the camping equivalent of my ‘snuggly journaling blanket’ at home) while I type by LED lamplight. That I just made. Yep- getting creative…

Presentation is Key

Presentation is Key

Excellence is Exciting.  It gets your attention. If you see something that someone has gone to great lengths to present or show, it just makes you want to take notice! #Boom #ItsHereNOW! That’s why marketing is so important to do well and have a polished presentation, because when you have something super-extra special to share…

Floral Focus Stacking (Macro Magic)

Floral Focus Stacking (Macro Magic)

  Today I am sharing my newfound skill set with macro! I am completely obsessed with flowers, as many of you know, and I love to shoot macro images.  Truthfully, I actually  love the super shallow depth of field look where only a sliver of the flower is in focus. Here are a few favorites–…

Silky Waterfalls Melt my Heart

Silky Waterfalls Melt my Heart

There’s something magical about the silky softness of a waterfall, shot with a slow shutter speed! While it’s very easy to do once you know how and have the right equipment, it seems just like pure magic before you master it! In this blog, you will learn how to capture water flow with a silky…

The Holidays Blurred By…

The Holidays Blurred By…

Well, I started writing this… and then the “crazy” of the new year happened and before I knew it, the 4th, then the 5th and then the 6th had rolled up…. is it too late? Not relevant? (mind races thru scenarios of Christmas activities for a moment we could have squeezed in one more thing…)…

Capturing Joy at the Speed of Life

Capturing Joy at the Speed of Life

Life goes so fast, that sometimes the details of life are not clear in the process of rushing by to accomplish all we need. On the one hand that can feel sad, and one can mourn the loss of experiencing everything fully. Like on your wedding day—there’s just no way to see it all or…



Starting off the year, I just want to proclaim Fresh Vision. I love to see the potential in people and things, and Burning Man is one of those places where you see a huge measure of beauty, creativity, expression and potential. People come to embrace the creative journey and come to be swept away by…