
Therapy Thursday: Step One


Let’s not agonize and overthink this. (again)

In fact, let’s just jump in with STEP ONE.

I’m reading a book, called HOW TO BE HERE, by Rob Bell and it’s been such an inspiration- I can’t even describe it. But in Part 5, “The First Number”, in the chapter called “Step One”, he talks about starting with the first thing. Step One. Don’t worry about Step 9 or 16 or what about ___[fill in the blank]__? Otherwise, you will never get started because you just can’t figure it all out! It’s too overwhelming. And you don’t know how it will turn out or what it is supposed to be like until you DO IT. You won’t know what you even have, until it’s born. Whatever it becomes, is created by me, from my imagination.

So here I am, starting with One…starting my blog (again). How does one start a blog and figure it all out—who-what-where-why? How can you format a creative water-flow-like process? Well the longer you agonize, the drier it gets. So here we go, with Step One: write today; about whatever is on the top, because as you pour, it comes off the top first. And you won’t see what’s in the deeps until you pour for a while….


So, here’s to the pour—let’s see what comes up from the reservoir! None of us knows; not even me.

I’m jumping in, opening up the spillway.

Photographs and videos created with a #LumixG9, Edited in @AdobePhotoshop.

#SuzetteSays #LetitPour #StepOne #tryagain #justdoit


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