In one day, my life went from being a free-wheeling traveler, chasing my dreams, to a stay-at-home season to take care of my mom. WHOA, Nellie!

This is a #scaryshift

Immediate #recalculating

Back to #squareone

Has this ever happened to you? A total derail of the progress in motion? It becomes a core-dredging dive into the depths of your dreams, your values, your goals, and your substance.

You get to lay ALL your cards- all your everything -on the table. You resort the stacks.

Core values: 1-2-3-4….  [can I pass? fold?]

We scrap our well-made plans and go back to the drawing board with just the raw elements, and look for a plan B , or Plan C….when honestly, no plans can even be made while all 52 cards come fluttering back down. 

Augh! [who dealt this hand?]

That’s when I need to remind myself that 

Life happens FOR ME, not TO me, and that I can fully expect this detour to bring something good to the table. 

Certainly, these unplanned, inconvenient and even costly events (of time or money) can feel like a fail or a big fat delay. However, I’ve seen it over and over in my own life, that

EVEN THIS [_whatever_] will bring a much-needed shift; a new perspective or better timing or some valuable discovery that I didn’t know I needed.



So, I remind myself, even now, before the cards have even landed:

I DO know this shift will be good.

Soon enough I will see it.

Until then, I will #TRUSTthejourney

#goodexpectations #believe #coachingmyself #TrustGod

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