Decorate? Why Bother?

Decorate? Why Bother?

We didn’t decorate for Christmas because we were going to be gone- so why bother? But we didn’t do it the last few years either, because of a lot of reasons- mostly the Bah-Humbug ones. But last year we made the trek north to Newport, Oregon to have Christmas with our estranged family after 9 years of…

Ghost Ranch Inspiration

Ghost Ranch Inspiration

It was the most memorable stop on the whole tour through New Mexico with the ASP (American Society of Photographers) group, and impacted me way more than I would have ever expected. I had heard of Georgia O’Keefe and seen her artwork, which was pretty amazing, but didn’t know that much about her life or…

Validation: My Fav Short Film!

Validation: My Fav Short Film!

Well in lieu of my blog today I need to post one of my favorite short films of all time! It’s so valid for today- especially with our mask-wearing season- I truly miss people’s smiles! This is a winner especially for photographers or just anyone who needs a reason to smile! Wait for the end…



MY WEEKLY CONTRIBUTION TO FOCUS ON LIGHT. Well, in September of 2019, I was asked by Glen Clark, my lab rep at the time, to consider contributing to his daily Facebook Page, Focus on Light.  It was amazing to me that he had been posting a picture with a quote or verse from the Bible…

Just a little Bunny…

Just a little Bunny…

“Augh, you’re such a dork!” (or a “loser” or whatever….) Have you ever said that to yourself? I’d never say it to another person, but I’ve sure said it to myself before! We can be so hard on ourselves- so harsh, so demanding, so critical!! Where’s the Grace? I’ve been reading a great book lately,…

Hook up with your Creative Buddy

Hook up with your Creative Buddy

Today is Sunday. It’s the day for inspiration. Only because I set myself a loose goal or direction to blog every day and Sunday seemed like a good day to write something inspiring. But honestly, it is just a day to DO that thing that has been on your mind. The thing that you have…

A Stroll in Full Color

A Stroll in Full Color

While we were at Ben’s in Vermont, (continued from yesterday’s blog), we took a little stroll through the property, past the little houses he built (a blog about that is in the works!), and we headed for the outback field! We just took off down the path, out toward the pond where his dog loves…

The War of Art- the struggle is real!

The War of Art- the struggle is real!

JULY 1 It is incredibly hard to get started on something you feel is so important you don’t know where to start. We are worried about the future, the overall message, the sequence, the whatever! So much that we DON’T get started and we put it off for another day thinking we will be thinking…