
Just a little Bunny…

“Augh, you’re such a dork!” (or a “loser” or whatever….)

Have you ever said that to yourself? I’d never say it to another person, but I’ve sure said it to myself before! We can be so hard on ourselves- so harsh, so demanding, so critical!! Where’s the Grace?

I’ve been reading a great book lately, called “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. “How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life.” What an amazing book!

So, one of the strategies of “badassery”, as she says, is to watch our self-talk and be nicer to ourselves instead of bashing our character as we harshly judge ourselves for not measuring up! When you’ve behaved unkindly, she said instead of saying “You’re such a monster” to yourself, say “I’m just a little bunny, working through my issues.” (and then apologize, of course).

I read this a few weeks back and it really stuck with me, although I remembered it as, “I’m just a little bunny trying to find my way.” So, I started living the Bunny Life- being kinder to me. I’ve been spending time In the Garden—where I’m not so likely to get stepped on…and giving myself grace to find my way through this crazy season.

Perhaps the Bunny Life is timely for lots of us…..

So be good to you, Bunny!

#bunnylife #inthegarden #grace #mercy #kindness #rest #quiet #healing #begoodtoyoubunny

Image painted with Photoshop Mixer Brushes

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