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Video is the New Photography

Well its been a super long day because we filmed about 7 fireworks booths today (about an hour each) for TNT Fireworks. But the notable thing about that is the fact that we got the gig BECAUSE we shoot video. It’s simple interviews and we just hand over the files- no need to edit into a finished video because they want to do it themselves. Seriously, it is purely a testimonial marketing tool for them, and we make it happen because we know how to coach people and make them comfortable and help them do the job without pain and worry! Most of these people are Little league coaches and Pastors and good-hearted helpers!

But the suprising thing about this is the jobs we get because we do video, that DON’T want video! The last few commercial jobs were purely from clients seeing and loving our Talking Business Cards! They didn’t want to do it for themselves, but they wanted us to do their business headshots! Of course we can do that!

So for those of you who say “Oh, I don’t do video”, you should really reconsider and make an effort to learn the tiny amount required to start adding it to your skill set. I will bet 90% of you already have a camera that will shoot video! …and you own a tripod! #gotthetools #justlearnthebasics

I will post more videos later that we shot today (yes it takes time to edit), but here are a few commercial images we shot because they loved our video work and, well, we must know what we are doing if we can do that!…. 🙂

#becauseweembracetechnology #hybridisvideo #videoisphotography #sameworldnow #LumixG9 #marketingtools #setyourselfapart #suzettesays #fearnot #videoisfun

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