HO-HO-Happy Birthday, Jesus!


Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas! It’s a fun and joyful season to celebrate family and get together, exchange gifts, bless others and spread cheer and goodwill! I personally think it is so great that the biggest, most celebrated holiday of our culture is on Jesus’ birthday! …As it should be! Santa gets a lot of press, but really, it was the nativity that changed history forever and the course of mankind- it brought the kingdom of God to earth and gave it to us to continue to establish it! But lots of people get hung up on Santa—Is that bad??

NO! Santa is a cool dude who brings joy and generosity and wonder and free gifts! I love Santa! He so represents much of the heart of God! Well, actually, he hasn’t really gotten the “unconditional love” thing down yet. He’s still checking his lists [twice] to see if we have “earned” our gifts, where God gives them regardless! But hey, we are all on the journey of becoming more like Him! Grace is needed- for ourselves AND Santa!

So I hope we all get a good dose of brotherly love, acceptance, grace and patience for each other this season as we celebrate the coming of Jesus, God’s incredible gift to us to transform our lives and fill us with hope and purpose. Jesus IS the real reason for the season- and Santa with all his magic helps bring the heart of God into the season too. So, like Santa, give gifts: give love, give grace, give hugs and give yourself. And if you feel like you have none to give, Ask God and receive a fresh refill first. Then you will be filled up to give… and that’s the way it’s supposed to work! [receive love & grace-give it away-repeat]. Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays too—the New Year is right around the corner!

#joyjoyjoy #MerryChristmas #HappyHolidays #hohoho #GiveYourselfAway #Grace #UnconditionalLove #Gift #TisTheSeason

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